Tuesday, January 10, 2012

National Stalking Awareness Month

From the inception of this blog I have covered many topics, most of them tied to art in on way or another. Sometimes they have just been fun and whimsy. The "experts" say that social networking and blog posts should be upbeat and pleasant especially if your marketing yourself or business (as an artist, a musician, an accountant, a business owner etc.) because followers want to be happy and not be reminded of less than happy things.

I have conformed to the formula and agree that I do not want to read depressing post after depressing post. However, the internet, blogging and social media are amazing instruments in which to promote awareness about different topics.

This month is National Stalking Awareness Month. Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding Disney Star and singer Selena Gomez' stalker.  We often here about celebrities being stalked but most stalkers stalk non celebrities.

A Few Facts About Stalking in America

1,006,970 women and 370,990 men are stalked annually in the United States.

1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked in their lifetime.

77% of female and 64% of male victims know their stalker.

87% of stalkers are men.

59% of female victims and 30% of male victims are stalked by an intimate partner.

81% of women stalked by a current or former partner are also physically assaulted by that partner.

The average duration of stalking is 1.8 years.

If stalking involves partners, the average duration of stalking increases to 2.2 years.

61% of stalkers made unwanted phone calls; 33% sent or left unwanted letters or items; 29% vandalized property; and 9% killed or threatened to kill a family pet.

28% of female victims and 10% of male victims obtained a protective order.

69% of female victims and 81% of male victims had the protection order violated.

Tjaden & Thoennes. (1998). "Stalking in America," NIJ.

Stalking is a serious issue that many people ignore.  Women who are divorced or separated from their husbands and College women are the most susceptible but no one is immune. Stalking is often a precursor to more serious crimes including murder. If you think you  or someone you know is being stalked please reach out for help. Every single state has stringent stalking laws - California has the most stringent ones in existence For more information please visit:

Stalking Awareness Month

Fact Sheet 

Stalking Victimization

National Center For Victims Rights

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